Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grosvenor's Glenn
April 28, 2012    
This was a week of consolidating and organizing Grosvenors and their decendants. I finally managed to get an obit of Larry Grosvenor. He died in Phoenix and was buried at Green Acres in Scottsdale in the same cemetery with Jack. I got enough info from the obit to create a findagrave memorial and to link him to son Jack and to his parents Fred and Martha at Glenn. Also enough data to make an educated guess that Marie, his wife, is also buried at Green Acres, so I created a memorial for her also. I now need some of the "Arizona Grosvenors" to put the finishing touches to those memorials.... tombstone photos, portraits, family pix, biographical sketches, etc. I knew Larry and Marie only slightly.... as parents of Jack, and a Loooong time ago.
Another biggy this week was locating the Welches. A friend of mine, Carol Ann Carruthers, who grew up in Murphysboro and became a math professor at Kent State, researches for me. You may recall that the three boys were left orphans when Claude B. and Grace Grosvenor Welch were gunned down by a deranged man in E St Louis. Claude Vernon's daughter Cynthia Carlson contacted me a month or so ago when she found the memorial I had created for him on findagrave. Carol Carruthers found Bill in Jefferson Baracks Cemetery and Harold in Lakeview Cemetery in Fairview Illinois. We now have memorials for all with links to Claude and Grace on findagrave.
And finally, another Carol Carruthers find: Some documentation on Edward Earl Grosvenor.... Ship Fitter 1C . The son of Roscoe French Grosvenor. he went missing in action in WWII. His name is inscribed on a Navy monument for the lost at sea, in Battery Park in New York. I will create a memorial.

April 21, 2012
GROSVENORS’ GLENN& The Grosvenor Reunion.

Consider this to be an extension of last week’s column. I believe that there are a lot of local people who would like to attend the Grosvenor reunion but, unfortunately, they were neither born into, nor found a mate, in the Grosvenor tribe; so they don’t get invited. And there are a lot of Grosvenors who would like to meet some of the local people who were neighbors of their ancestors, but don’t know where to find them. It is also my belief that a lot of the people who attend the reunion also pay a visit to the cemetery. My proposal is that the Grossvenor Reunion be modified by aclaim to include an entire week-end with Saturday being Cemetery Day and Sunday being Grosvenor Reunion Day. On Saturday an informal “happening’ would be held at Glenn Cemetery. There should be no agenda for the cemetery thing. No halls to rent, no refreshments to serve. Everybody invited. Everybody goes. People show up, visit graves, plant flowers, take pictures, and share stories. Hopefully, some of the Cemetery Volunteers will show up to act as guides and help visitors locate graves. Hopefully a lot of people will show up with digital cameras, cell phones, ipods, GPS receivers, etc and a lot of real documentation will eventually show up on findagrave. I hope, very shortly, to kick off a digital mapping of Glenn cemetery and even random photos of the cemetery will be helpful.
It is my contention that the Grosvenor Reunion as now constituted will continue to shrink but the Cemetery Day will grow since all interested parties are free to attend. This move would be in complete accordance with the Grosvenor tradition in the area. After all, Glenn Cemeter itself was “The Grosvenor Farm” until the Grosvenors invited the public. That tradition should continue. Comments invited.

April 14, 2012

Take it from me, the country is going to hell in a hand-basket! Consider the demise of Decoration Day. It used to be a time of community spirit and collective industry. It began back in 1868 when a local Civil War hero from Murphysboro, General John A Logan, designated the 30 th of May as a day when all citizens would decorate the graves of war veterans and be called “Decoration Day”. He was acting in his capacity as the head of a Civil War veterans’ group called “The Grand Army of the Republic”, however he credited his wife for the original idea. For about 90 years it was the day when everyone went to the graveyard. They honored the veterans, yes. They also cleaned up the family graves and visited with the neighbors. It was a real community reunion. And everyone did a bit of work. Weeds got mowed, fallen stones were reset. There was enough man-power available to really spruce up the cemetery. But congress, in it’s wisdom in 1976 decided it should be in November and be called Memorial Day to honor all veterans. The spirit of Decoration Day moved from the cemetery to Main Street. Everbody went to the Veterans’ Day parades instead of to the cemeteries. But television changed even that. It was more pleasant to stay home and watch the vets march on TV than go to the parades. The spirit of Decoration Day moved to the living room. But football changed that too. Just a flp of the channel switch and pretty soon everybody was watching the game instead of the parade. The spirit of Decoration Day moved to the couch. That snoring noise is from Dad who dropped off to sleep during the game on Decoration Day.
Are we Grosvenors going to stand for it??? Our Decoration Day was taken away by a combination of politics and sloth at precisely a time when we needed it. I hereby proclaim a motion to reclaim it! We need Decoration Day. The Grosvenor Reunion is losing steam.. This is to be expected . The Grosvenors who gather at Ava each year are not as CLOSELY related as those who gathered before. As time goes on the reunion becomes more and more heritage and less and less personal reunion. Ergo, I suggest that it is time to start a shift toward heritage. Glenn Cemetery is central to Grosvenor heritage for a large group of people. It was once a family burial site on a Grosvenor farm. Grosvenors were once wall to wall in the area around Glenn. Now they are as scarce as the Kaskaskia Indians who preceded them. As a start of the shift toward heritage I propose a New Grosvenor Decoration Day on the day preceding the traditional Grosvenor Reunion. Said NGDD to be at Glenn Cemetery and be along the lines of the famous “Woodstock”. No formalities, no invitations. Just go. I shall expand my proposal on future blogs.
April 7, 2012

It is with regret that we must note the passing of another of our own. Jack Harold Grosvenor, 87, passed away March 30th in Scottsboro Arizona from a heart attack. Jack was a boyhood friend of mine. A cousin. And for a while, during the depression years he was a next-door neighbor. Lay-offs in East St. Louis had forced Jack's parents, Larry and Marie, back to the farm . Larry constructed a very crude house on his father's land and moved Marie and Jack into it while he returned to the city to look for work. They were not there long. Larry got a job in East St Louis as a switchman in a railroad yard and Jack and his mother moved back to E. St. Louis. Not long thereafter Larry lost a leg when he fell under a railway car and the family moved to Arizona. I never saw any of them again. A month or so ago I included this family in my "missing Grosvenor" list and Robin furnished me with Jack's home phone number. I called, hoping to chat with him but got a nurse or caretaker who informed me that he was too ill to talk.
Jack's Obituary is on line. Just Google "Obit Jack H Grosvenor Chandler AZ" . I have created a findagrave memorial for him (Find A Grave Memorial# 88080784). It is incomplete as yet and I would welcome family assistance. I badly need to know the burial location (cemetery) of Larry and Marie so I can create their memorials and link them (and Jack) to the Grosvenor tree.
I have established contact with Cynthia (Welch) Carlsson of Champaign, Illinois, who emailed me wanting information on the Grosvenors. She is the grand daughter of Claude B and Grace (Grosvenor Welch who were murdered in E. St Louis in 1933. Her father was Claude V. Welsch. Her last contact with the Grosvenors was at the burial of Ethel (Grosvenor) Nelson at Glenn in 1985. Ethel and Connie Nelson raised two of the Welch orphans.
Another email contact was with a Wayne Batcheler from New York who is attempting to locate his boyhood chum, Robert Grosvenor, the adopted son of Otis and Fern Grosvenor.
I was really caught flat-footed on this one. I did not know Otis and Fern and all the records I have indicate they were childless. According to Mr Batcheler they also had an adopted daughter named Marilyn Grosvenor, who married Alexander Weaver and has four children. Can anyone fill me in on this? I promised Mr Batcheler that we would help.
Wisdom of the week: You should always attend funerals because if you don't go to other peoples' funerals they probably won't go to yours.


March 31, 2012
The Life Expectancy Of Cemeteries
Concerning cemeteries in general and ours' in particular:
Findagrave lists 195 cemeteries in Jackson County, Illinois. I don't know about you (all) but I find that number astonishing.
Most people are unaware that cemeteries are mostly unregulated. There are almost no laws pertaining to them. In most locales it is legal to bury a dead person anywhere. In the back yard, or behind the barn or under the garage floor. And a lot of our neighbors did exactly that. How does findagrave know about the 195 cemeteries? Because a findagrave volunteer has recorded that a person, by name, is buried at a particular spot and named the spot. Thus, the spot became a cemetery. Findagrave's primary function is recording burials. Without this organization, knowledge of most of these burials would be lost. I happen to believe that this knowledge is important. Burials get forgotten because we humans have short memories. And because we tend to believe that some-one-else is taking care of the problem. Time moves on.

Without constant vigilance entire cemeteries just fade away. The process is so slow that no one notices. That process is already in progress at Glenn. The permanent population of Jackson County has been shrinking since 1917. That fact has been obscured by the growth of the mostly transient population at the university at Carbondale, which gets counted by the census -takers. The emigration from the rural areas to the cities is unabated. The Grosvenors and the Sauls have departed the Glenn area in my lifetime, leaving behind only a hundred tombstones to remind the world that they existed. Is it reasonable to assume that future residents of the area will happily shoulder the burden of maintaining the cemetery when they don’t recognize the names of those buried there? Again I point to Houge, the Jones Ridge cemetery. It is seven acres of brush with tombstones jutting out of the leaves and weeds here and there. We have ancestors there.

March 24, 2012
Sometimes my right hand doesn't know what my left is doing. Or maybe it is a
matter of focus. I find it difficult to concentrate on a single item and see the whole
picture at the same time. That is why I post things and then come back with
corrections. Take last week's posting of Mary's Book. On MB 045 BO, Mary says,
"Parker m. (2) Mrs. Louisa (McBride) Hiser b. 3 April 1844 d. 28 Dec 1878" That is
in error. I have known about it for some time and now I have perpetuated the error.
That line should read,
"Parker married MISS Louisa Hiser b. 3 April 1844 d. 28 Dec 1878".
I am in touch with Steve McBride who does McBride genealogy and he informs me
that the only person born Louisa McBride in Illinois was born in 1833, and married
Henry M. Hiser, therefore she became Louisa Hiser by marriage and she remained
married to Henry M. Hiser until her death from typhoid in the 1870's. She had a
daughter in 1870 whose decendents survive until now. She was NOT the granny of
any Grosvenors.
I am also in touch with Guyetta Cluck who has written a 600 page Hiser book and
has files listing 66000 Hisers. She informs me that there was a Hiser female b. 3
April 1844 to Issac Hiser and his second wife Lorinda (Asbury) Hiser in Jackson
County , Illinois. She is listed on the 1850 census as "Eliza". Hiser records say she
married Parker Grosvenor on 30 August 1864 at age 20 . There is no record of any
prior marriage.
The census of 1850 shows:
Residence 580 HISER Isaac 57 Farmer $150 TN
Lorenda 32 KY
Phoebe 18 TN
Malvina 16 TN
Elisabeth 8 IL *
Rebecca 6 IL
Eliza 5 IL <--------------------
Sarah E. 2 IL
Note that there is Elizabeth 8, and Eliza 5. Not likely in the same family; since
Eliza is a diminuitive of Elizabeth. This appears to be a census error. "Eliza" was
undoubtedly Louisa. I should mention that, altho not on this census, there was an
older half-brother, Henry Hiser, who left this family the previous year and married
(Guess who?) Louisa McBride!
Sorry, Grosvenors! Sorry McBrides! We're friends but not related! Yet.
March 17, 2012
During the years 1950 - 2000, several ladies, cousins, walked the cemeteries of the Glenn area and recorded headstone markings. Two of these ladies wrote family histories. Anna Saul Clendenin recorded the Grosvenors. Mary Saul Morgan did the Saul families. There was considerable overlap since the two families were closely linked. If I can get the computer system to agree, I will attach some pages from " Mary's Book".
March 10, 2012

It is with deep regret that I must report the loss of my beloved sister, Thelma Saul Ingram Slaybaugh who passed away Thursday morning at a Dallas area nursing home. Her funeral is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, in Murphysboro with burial at Glenn. You may see her memorial and get further details at (GOOGLE findagrave Thelma Slaybaugh)
The 'Glenn Cemetery Preservation and Restoration Group' of Danny Jarrett, "Butter" Korando and "Cuckleburr" Clendenin has already gotten underway. In a conversation with Cuckleburr this week, I learned that they have made a preliminary survey and discovered a bunch of hither-to unknown, buried, head-stones and have already raised and turned a bunch of fallen stones. Those stones came up muddy and mostly unreadable so it was decided to merely leave them for the weather to clean while they proceed with the other work. The group decided that they will have to build new concrete bases for about 35 stones. These bases will need to be in various shapes and sizes due to the differences in the headstones, since the concrete will need to extend outward 4 inches all around from each headstone. The next project is the building of concrete forms. There is a tremendous amount of work and considerable expense involved here, folks. This project deserves our enthusiastic backing.
In response to last week's blog, Robin has helped reduce the number of missing Grosvenors somewhat. Dan and Lida are interred in Jefferson Barracks Cemetery and were already in findagrave. I was unable to locate them, previously, because I searched for "Daniel" instead of Benjamin D. Grosvenor. Dan is now linked to his father and mother on their findagrave site.
Robin was also able to furnish a phone number for Jack Grosvenor who now lives in Chandler, AZ. I attempted to make telephone contact with him since he was a boyhood chum in addition to being a relative. The phone was answered by a very polite lady who said that for health reasons Jack could not answer telephone calls. She said she would relay my message to his son. Does anyone have contact with this family?
March 3, 2012

The findagrave project in which I am engaged requires that memorials have two things
(a) The name of a dead person
(b) The place of burial
With those two items the main stated purpose of findagrave (Grave registeration) is achieved. When a memoial is created with only those items, it says, in effect , “Here lies John Doe” All else is optional, although more is desireable. The digital record has several advantages over the stone. One is durability. Stone tombstones have been around for thousands of years but it is rare to see one more than a few hundred years old anywhere in the world. Why? The main reason is that they wear out. They erode, crack. or topple. Conversely a digital picture of a tombstone is literally immortal. It will be crisp and clear after the stone has weathered to dust. And price-wise it is a bargain. Volunteers create the memorials. Volunteers take the pictures.
The following is a list of Grosvenors whom, I believe, have died and about whom I need more information. Please, readers, furnish me with any information you have about these people,…pictures…obituaries … anything. In some cases, the name and location of their cemetery is all I need. Also , if you know of any others whom have died, please let me know. The Grosvenor history should include every Grosvenor!
The missing Grosvenors:
Decendents of John (22) Grosvenor
*Golda Cheatham Grosvenor Wife of Otis, S

Decendents of Frank Grosvenor findagrave Memorial# 6413658
*Son, Edward Grosvenor {Killed in a ship explosion in New York Harbor during WW II]
*Son, Albert Grosvenor b. 18 Jun 1904 d. 19 Jan 1971 Oakland, Alameda Calif
*Son, Roscoe Grosvenor b. Jun 23, 1899 Died April 4, 1973 in Fontana California
*Son, Homer P Grosvenor b. Feb 14, 1909 d. Mar 18 1993 Kent, Kings Co. WA
*2nd wife, Lou Ella Long Grosvenor
*Daughter, Shirley Grosvenor

Decendents of Fred Grosvenor findagrave Memorial# 63403537
*Larrry Grosvenor: b. Oct 21 1898 m. Marie Jarrett d. Feb 11 1968 in Phoenix, Maricopa AZ & Son,
*Jack Grosvenor b. Illinois 1925 d, Arizona
*Benjamin Daniel Grosvenor: b. Apr 28 1909 d. October 22, 1985 in Dupo, IL
* Lida McClanahan Grosvenor
*John Parker Grosvenor: b. Aug 30, 1902 d. Oct 6 1978, in Milstadt St Clair IL
*Genevieve Grosvenor

Decendents of William Jennings "Bryan" Grosvenor
*Lauretta Grosvenor
February 25, 2012
Well, there are a few new entries in findagrave for Glenn this week. Darrell was there on Monday and we had long conversations via cell phone. Darrell is laying the ground-work for a restoration/identication project which will be conducted "soon". There is a triumvirate consisting of Darrell (Clendenin), Danny Jarrett and "Butter" Korando who are going to spend a day re-setting and identifying fallen stones. Danny is bringing a tractor with a hoist, so there will be serious work done. I am sure they would appreciate any help they can get. Strong backs would be fine but not absolutely ncessary for this project. A lot of things will have to be done. Some of the stones are almost buried. They will come up muddy and have to be cleaned, examined, and highlighted with marker pens, chalk , or what ever, and then photographed. Where there is a suspected stone or a missing piece, someone needs to probe for it. Some illegible stones can be identified by their position in a row or in a section so some mapping will need to be done. And knowing "where the body is buried" would be an invaluable asset. There will be a need for searchers to hunt for missing stones and 'go fers' to go fer the stuff nobody thought to bring. And record keepers

February 18, 2012
John Grosvenor

John (20) Grosvenor was born in 1811 to Sarah Hill and Parker (19) Grosvenor in the two-room log cabin 3/4 mile west of Glenn cemetery. The 1820 census shows a Jackson County family headed by Parker Grosvenor with a wife, a teenage girl and a boy between 5 and 10; completely compatible with Parker (19), Sarah, step-sister, Mary Hill, and John. In 1821 Parker was reappointed Justice of the Peace . In 1823 Sarah Grosvenor married Benjamin Crane. Therefore Parker (19) must have died circa 1822. Mary Hill probably got married. We don’t know
The 1830 Census lists no Grosvenors but does show a Mary Crain (Crane) age 40 to 50 as head of a household with one other member, a male 15 to 20. At that time Sarah Hill Grosvenor Crane would have been 40 to 50 and John Grosvenor would have been 19. It fits except for the name “Mary” instead of “Sarah”. We find no records of Benjamin Crane so he must have died before 1930.
John married “Agnes Lorance from Tennessee” before 1833 when Parker (21) was born. They had 5 children.: Parker, (b 1833 d. 1915); Mary Ann, (b. 1835 d. 1884); One unamed child under age 5 is listed on the 1840 census (birth and death dates unknown); Sarah (b.1842 d, 1852) & Martha (b. 1847 d. 1857). A female age 50 to 60 is shown on the 1840 census living with this family. This is almost assuredly John’s mother, Sarah Hill Grosvenor.
. The Jackson County courthouse at Brownsville burned in 1845 along with most of the records.
Neither of John’s parents’ graves, (Parker & Sarah) ,have been found at Glenn, nor has that of his step-father, (Benjamin Crane) nor that of his step-sister, (Mary Hill), nor of his infant daughter (from the 1840 census). If they are not at Glenn, then where are they? My guess is they are buried at Houge, also called “Jones Ridge Cemetery” . Houge is a large (7 acre) cemetery 4 miles west of Glenn near Cora on the north side of Illinois route 3. No burials there since the 1930s and no maintenance. There are 44 identified headstones there but Darrell estimates there may be a hundred or more with toppled, sunken, broken or unreadable stones. It is probably older than Glenn and probably holds a lot of Grosvenor history. Visit it on findagrave.

February 11, 2012
About Agnes Lorance Grosvenor Kiefer. We know very little about her from the statistical records. She was born in Smith County, Tennessee November 14, 1811. She went to school with Wm E Talbott at a school a mile east of Glenn cemetery. W E Talbott placed a monument there on which he grouped his schoolmates by families. The last two entries are W E Talbott and A Lorance. I believe that Agnes Lorance was the half-sister of W E Talbott. Specifically, the daughter of Martha Gifford Talbott. I cite the following to bolster my argument: (A) John (20) Grosvenor married Agnes Lorance, and thereby became the (half) brother-in-law of Wm E Talbott. A son, (Parker (21) Grosvenor) was born in 1833. (B) Martha Gifford Talbott died in 1841 and was buried on the farm of her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Lorance Grosvenor. (aka “The Grosvenor Farm “ and is now Glenn Cemetery) (C) Wm R Talbott died in 1847 and he, too, was interred (on the farm of his step-daughter, Agnes Lorance Grosvenor) at Glenn.. (D) John Grosvenor died in 1847 also and was buried on his own farm (Glenn Cemetery). W E Talbott erected one stone to honor his father, Wm R Talbott and his brother-im-law John Grosvenor.
Agnes Lorance Grosvenor (John’s widow) married Peter Kiefer who ran a store at Degognia (near present day Cora) and they later moved to DeSoto where she died in 1890. (E) Wm E Talbott evidently remained in contact with his elder half-sister, Agnes, and approved of her second husband. He named a son “Peter Kiefer Talbott” in honor of his new brother-in-law . Parker Grosvenor evidently approved of the marriage also. He named a son “Peter Kiefer Grosvenor” in honor of his step-father.
Why is this of importance to the Grosvenors? BECAUSE the tombstone of Martha Gifford Talbott stands at Glenn, unhonored by the Grosvenors and she is probably the Grammy of us all. She is possibly the first ancestor of all the Reunion Grosvenors to be buried at Glenn. Can we ever know for sure? Of course! If we really want to know, DNA testing can show if the Grosvenors are related to the Talbotts!

February 4, 2012

Robin has posted the pics of Aunt Sarah and therefore I feel compelled to comment. Aunt Sarah trod a long road in her lifetime and most of it was unpaved. She outlived 3 husbands... John (22) Grosvenor, Cy Jarrett and John Easton. Her only son, Otis, died at age 22 - just 4 days before his son, Otis, was born. Her daughter, Grace (Welch), was gunned down by a lunatic in St Louis. (Read the full story of the murder posted on her findagrave site # 64949920). Aunt Sarah is an ancestor of the Nelsons and Welches who attend the reunion. The pics of her birthday party were, I believe, taken on 29 September 1917. I wish I could identify the people in those pictures. Unfortunately, I was born in 1925 and while most of them look familiar, I am reluctant to commit. I have sent them on to my sister Thelma, who has passed her hundredth birthday and who was undoubtedly at that party and is in those pictures. But Thelma is lucid only occassionally now. We may never know who they were.
For you Sherlocks who are working on the John (20) Grosvenor / W E Talbott mystery, I offer a clue: Who was Agnes Lorance? Answer that question and get a Grammy you didn't expect!

January 28, 2012
A really busy week around Glenn. I have added another 68 entries bringing the total to 715. 700 of them have tombstone pictures. The new additions are mostly Bohemian again and again the Korandos ae the most numerous. As of now there are 57 Grosvenors and 56 Korandos. I would like to root for the home team but I don't want to urge the Grosvenors to die faster so I will hereby wish the Koranddos "Good Health!"
A real flurry of activity this week clearing up the identity of Sarah Catherine Ellidge Grosvenor Jarrett Easton, the wife of John (22) Grosvenor. Robin is posting some pics of her this week. Visit her on findagrave. May I again call your collective attention to the Wm R Talbott/John (20) Grosvenor stone at Glenn where-upon Wm E Talbott proclaims that he and John Grosvenor are brother-in-laws. Who among you can explain? I am coninced that I have solved the riddle. I need an independent verification.
January 21, 2012
It is with sadness that I report the passing of an old and dear friend, Melvin Brush. His obit is below. Note that he served on the Glenn Cemetery board for many years and that, like Elda Saul the week before, he asked for donations to Glenn Cemetery in lieu of flowers. He was buried at Glenn on Wednesday.

I have entered another 63 names and grave photos into findagrave this week. Mostly from our neighbors in the Bohemian community who tilled the gumbo soil t'other side of the RR tracks that ran thru Jones Ridge, Raddle and Jacob. People with names like Brcek, Vasnic, Bernasec and Korando and who attended St Ann's church in Raddle. They buried their dead at Glenn because the bottoms flooded. The bonds between the "bluff people" and the "bottoms people" were very strong. Darrell's camera captured 15 more Korando graves at Glenn and they now outnumber the Grosvenors. Read old Joseph Korando's 1936 Obit on his website. Note that he had 40 living grandchildren when he died.
This week I am adding more pics that are of relevance to the Grosvenors. They are of a marker, not at Glenn, but situated by a barn about a mile east. It is a replica of an original stone that was erected by Wm E Talbott and was destroyed by vandals. With his stones Wm E Talbott has sent a message to the present day Grosvenors. How many of you can see it? Okay Sherlocks.... have at it.

January 14, 2012
I have a few new pics from Darrell but haven't looked at them yet. I believe we have photoed and registered 90 % of what is possible there. Of course there are unmarked graves and unreadable stones. It is now possible to construct something of the history of Glenn Cemetery. Evidently it started in 1834 when little Disney Stearns died and was buried on the Grosvenor farm. This list may change as we discover and decipher.


1834 Stearns, Disney 2
1841 Talbott, Martha UNK
1844 Holloman, Malachi 1
Stearns, Adam 52
1845 Cross, Oliver UNK
1846 Holloman Marcus J 30
1847 Grosvenor, John 36
Talbott, William 51
1852 Grosvenor, Sarah 10
1834 Stearns, Jane 65
1856 Stearnes, William 32
1857 Asbery, Mary A UNK
1859 Raddle, Frank 13
1860 Grosvenor, William 0
1861 Metcalf, Cortez Gypson 3
Glenn, John 28
Grosvenor, Eliza J Herring 26
Grosvenor, Levi (infant) 0
1867 Grosvenor (Infant son) 0
1868 Raddle, Thomas 11
1869 Saul, Charles David 0
January 6, 2012
The Grosvenor/Talbott connection. In 1841 Martha Talbott died. She was buried on the farm owned by John and Agnes (Lawrence) Grosvenor. Why? The Talbotts had a farm of their own. Their children established the Talbott cenetery there later. When her husband William died 6 years later in 1847 he was buried alongside John Grosvenor and her son erected that strange tombstone proclaiming that this was the tomb of his father and his brother-in-law. John Grosvenor had no sister. He had a half sister named Mary Hill but Wm E Talbott didn't marry Mary Hill. He married Elizabeth Crain and was married to her when he put up that stone. Was he in error? Wm E Talbott was 29 years old in 1847. He put up a number of monuments. I strongly suspect that two other monuments at Glenn were erected by Wm E Talbott because they are identical with the Talbotts (& Grovenor) stones and I postulate that there were four stones ordered, delivered and erected at the same time. Those other stones belong to Lucotha Marissa and Caroline Humphries and are undated. Why undated? Normally undated stones indicate the person was still alive when the stone was put up. Who were these people? I don't know, but I believe they were very close to John Grosvenor.

December 2, 2011
Hello Grosvenors!
I am Cecil Saul. My parents were Fred and Edna (Grosvenor) Saul. I live
in Longview, TX. I left Illinois 70 years ago to go to WWII and have benn
only for short visits since. Never-the-less that is "home". The house
where I grew up (the house that Parker built). is gone without a trace.
For me, the thing that remains is Glenn Cemetery (which ,incidently, was
formerly known as "The Grosvenor Farm"). For the past year I have been
"addicted" to a computer website called findagrave which is primarily a
graves registration site but is ACTUALLY much, much, more. I have
teemed up with Darrell Clendenin in order to create a virtual Glenn
Cemetery on line. Darrell photographs the tombstones and I enter the in
pics and the info on them into findagrave. As of now Glenn has 550
entries, 57 of whom are Grosvenors. Of couse, Darrell and I are not the
only contributors. This project is open to all and this posting is really a
recruiting ploy. We (and Glenn) need all the help we can get. To take a
gander at what we are about, I suggest you go to GOOGLE and enter
"findagrave fred grosvenor" When you arrive at his memorial, you must
EXPLORE. Click on everything in sight...PHOTOS, MEMORIALS, names
of spouse, children, parents, GLENN, even Cecil Saul. Each click opens up
a new pathway. Enjoy! Contribute! Communicate!

Cecil S

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ethel Grosvenor Nelson
Sarah Grosvenor (wife of Johnny)
Grace Grosvenor Welch