Sunday, September 16, 2012

July 14, 2012
A new genealogist named Angela Little stopped by Glenn last week and evidently took one picture and from it made one memorial. For Levi Grosvenor b. 1838 d. 1839, son of John & agnes Grosvenor. I am astonished! Why??? I am trying to find out. My assumption is that she must have stopped at Glenn to find a relative, saw the newly unearthed stone and entered it into findagrave. Fine! Take a look at Levi's memorial. Another volunteer, user name ASB, has undertaken the
photo recording of South Cemetery in Pomfret, Connecticut, which holds the remains of 72 of our Grosvenor ancestors. (There's another 75 in various other cemeteries in the surounding county). She has posted headstone photos to several Grosvenor memorials which I had created and at my request, has graciously copied inscriptions. Climb the family tree and note the memorials of Hannah Dresser Grosvenor and Abigal Davis Grosvenor. ASB has also photoed the memorial of Mary Grosvenor who died in Pomfret in 1742 at age 19 and whose demise is described in many lawbooks and is often cited in court cases as the basis of abortion laws. Google "grosvenor sessions" for lots of info.
Keep climbing the family tree (merely click on the name of the parents to move up another generation) The earliest listed so far is William Gravenor, born Shropshire England 1593, but more will undoubtedly be listed as their graves are located.  The "Gathering at Glenn" which will coincide with the Reunion appears to be well received. Genealogy is becoming a popular hobby and Findagrave Glenn is attracting attention. The excavations and restorations are of interest to genealogists, historians and other cemetery custodians and they all welcome a chance to gather, inspect and learn how it's done. Glenn Leads!

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