Tuesday, July 10, 2012

June 23, 2012
I hope you are all as happy as I to receive the recent letter from Pat Bowers of the Glenn Cemetery association. I was especially pleased to get the email adddresses of the board members. In case any of you mis-laid the letter or just skimmed through it, let me call your attention to one very important sentence in it which reads,
“Please make your check payable to: GLENN CEMETERY ASSOCIATION”
The last time I saw operating costs on the cemetery (several years ago) the annual expensess were on the order of 10 - 15 bucks per grave, and undoubtedly they have gone up since. There is the old saying that “you can’t take it with you” which in this case is wrong. Pay your grave maintenance up front and your funds will travel right along with you. $1500 to $2000 ought to get you paid up for a hundred years I would think. (But don’t forget to pay for grand-pop and the grand kids and for all those free-loading stiffs who get their grass cut at the communities expense)
I would like to call your attention to another piece of mail which I got… and I hope you did, too: “The Ava Citizen” , a monthly “shoe-string” newspaper. The editor is Diane (Gerler) Anderson who is an avid genealogist with 4765 findagrave entries in the last 15 months. She has completely photographed and documented Ava Evergreen. Her grand parents (Daniel and Lula (Campbell) Green are buried at Glenn . Think about it: The Grosvenor reunion in Ava. Diane Anderson, genealogist, editor of the Ava news-paper. We are MEANT for each other! The “Gathering in Glenn” to coincide with the Grosvenor Reunion! The Glenn Cemetery Association to show off the newly renovated cemetery and maybe take up donations (from “the others”, of course). The whole thing benefits Ava. To get “The Ava Citizen” for one year, email 12 bucks to avacitizen@yahoo.com.
If you haven’t been reading the findagrave bios of your ancestors, you are missing some great entertainment. If you have been reading them and not leaving flowers, Shame on you!

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