May 19, 2012
Grosvenor's Glenn
The importance of leaving findagrave flowers.
So why should you leave a flower? First of all because findagave is a permanent record and the flower is a token of respect for the life of the person who is memorialized in that record. It says, in effect: "I know this person lived and their life was of importance to me." You may leave a note and express much, much more. You can tell why the person was important to you, profess your love for the person, address them personally ("I miss you so much, Mother") or recite an incident ("I remember when you built a sled for me..."). Leaving flowers is the digital equivalent of sending flowers to a funeral and signing the guest register. EXCEPT that the digital flowers are FREE and PERMANENT. (check back in 75 years and verify) The flowers you sent to the funeral were expensive and went ito the garbage can shortly after the funeral. If some of you are scared off by findagrave's requirement that you register before posting.... don't be! They won't try to sell you anthing and no salesman will call. The registration is merely to prevent obscenities and objectionable material from being posted. Your user name will appear alongside the flower picture and it WILL leave a trail to your "Contributor Page" where you can leave as much (or as little) info as you wish to provide and where persons following the digital trail can leave messages for you. That linkage is an excellent way to find long-lost cousins and to have them find you.
Let me give you an example: Martha Virginia Metcalf Grosvenor , my Aunt Martha, spouse of Fred Grosvenor. She was the mother of 12 children. I knew her, her spouse, and the 5 sons and 3 daughters who grew to adulthood. I knew a bunch of her grand children and I now communicate with some of her great-grand-children. How many decendendents might she have? Yet a visit to her memorial gives no indication that ANYONE cared or remembered! Her children have all died.
Or go find little George Cotton, son of Abigail Grosvenor Cotton who died in Buffalo, New York in 1794 at age 21 months and lay in his grave for 218 years before a Grosvenor (me) visited him.
Remember.... if you don't visit other peoples' graves they more than likely won't visit yours.
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