Tuesday, July 10, 2012

June 9, 2012
Parker (21) Grosvenor's Obelisk:
The fourth side of Parker's stone is dedicated to his third wife Louticia (Keeton) and their childen. No individual stone has been found for Louticia. This is very puzzling. Surely one existed. I am awaiting the outcome of the ongoing restoration project. Although Parker and Louticia had three children, only the first, Charley, is listed on the obelisk and he does have a separate stone. Mattie and Edna were both alive when the obelisk was erected and they are not on it but each have individual stones. It should be noted that Louticia had seven children with Valentine Tabors before marrying Parker Grosvenor but apparently none are buried at Glenn. Evidently only Isaac and Emma were alive when Parker and Louticia married, and I believe they are buried at Houge.
So there stands this obelisk at Glenn... A monument to Parker (21) Grosvenor and his family. "The grand-daddy of us all". But it doen't tell the whole story. My mother had at least 23 siblings. Sixteen were Grosvenors and seven were Keetons. My sister, Anna (Saul) Clendenin who played this genealogy game pretty hard for several decades said Mom claimed 24 siblings. Did we miscount or did one get lost? Errors creep in. We strive for accuracy but continually have to admit to, and correct mistakes. And now is an opportune time to correct a couple I have made on this series about Parker Grosvenor's obelisk : (1) In my first column I stated that only five of Parker's children survived him; Fred, French, Frank. Mattie. and Edna. I inadvertently left out Mary "Mollie" Kessel, who lived until 1962 and is buried in Tower Grove in Murphysboro. (2) In last weeks column I said no stone had been found for Ferdinand Grosvenor and then I found a photo of his headstone in my files.

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